Is marriage the key to happiness?

Hello lovies☺

I spoke to a friend who is getting married in the spring only last week. We had a really in-depth conversation about her plans and all the wedding talk, so I took a minute to pause and sincerely inquire about her level of happiness. Her answer knocked me off my feet. I believe this will please my family, she continued, as I frequently seem to be the one who breaks their hearts when it comes to life and its accomplishments. The response made me feel a little depressed, so I followed up by asking her, "Are YOU happy?" I shall eventually be happy, my dear friend, she just sighed and told me, be aware by this point that the topic of conversation changed, and I became a motivational speaker ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Even though it seemed amusing at the time to be a motivational speaker, it was a really sad conversation for me because I am aware that the majority of women make these errors. Don't get me wrong, we need to make our circle (family and close friends) happy, but OUR happiness should always come first!!! We tend to think that getting married or making our family happy that we are married is the best option or the secret to happiness!! After all the festivities and the paparazzi, it's just you and your spouse left, so how can we make our spouse happy if we aren't pleased? Is being married the secret to happiness at this point? Is it a target? Is this accomplishment?

what do you guys think?


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