Kid or Adult dressing for the youngsters?!

Hey Fam💞

Last night, my husband and I spent the night socializing with some of our family friends and having a few conversations. One subject persisted for a while, and I would truly want to read your thoughts about it as I was sitting on the fence on this.

Is it acceptable to let your child (children) dress like adults rather than as children? Since it's what most people glamour! some people thought it was acceptable and that it wouldn't be a horrible idea as long as it was done well and it suit them. While some thought dressing a child like an adult all in the name of fashion was not so ideal. someone said she still had memories of her mother dressing her up like a boy with her brothers wearing and co.(I totally understood this because that was my case). Or when those all-ready-made dresses were the in-thing. apparently, every other child had those and if u didn't own one it was like u didn't belong. 

 She went on to inquire about our children's current favorite "community" childhood dress-up experiences, and went as far as telling us how everyone had an aunt or uncle who would ask them to measure their shoe sizes with a broomstick!!!☺☺☺ she even remarked in her own words, "Those were part of the good old days." 

If you push me off the fence, I genuinely do appreciate kids with adult attire looking all "peng" and all. but on the other hand, I believe it's fantastic to let kids be kids so they may experience every bit of childhood because life is in stages and if one misses out on any aspect of it, there will be no memories to tell.

What do you think about this? Let's discuss this in the discussion thread below 👇

Even though what works for you might not work for me, life isn't all that difficult, it's still amazing if we can communicate well!


  1. When you say adult, every adult dresses differently. Some prefer to open their body and while some prefer covering their body. Kids emulate what they see. Kids now really want to be dressing like their parents or relations which everyone does praise for dressing well. In conclusion dress your kids which or whatever way pleases you as the parents and don't wear them what you won't like as a kid when growing up

    1. Hmmmm, I liked the concluding part....whatever works for the parents, that's fine!

  2. I personally dont like when a child is being dressed like an adult. There is time for everything. Life is stage by stage. A child should remain a child until adulthood.

    1. I agree with this. let a child remain a child, adulthood is not running away!😁😁

  3. Hmmmmm, well for me I would prefer my kids dress what suit them at that particular time or occasion, I love my kids to explore. Dressing as a child or as an adult provided it's moderate .I come in peace

  4. The most important part of dressing is for my children to look decent and well dressed. I might not unfortunately 'adult dressing ' in this post but all I can say is I can allow my children explore dresses as long as they're not exposing their body or dressing like rift rafts. Class must be maintained.

    1. A classy standard has been established! kids should explore, right?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣

  5. It beautiful to let kids be kids, there is time for everything ❤️

    1. I know right! What's the rush???😁🤷‍♀️🤣

  6. For me dressing them their age is key, I won’t want to steal that innocent look from them. The goal is to wear them modest and stylish clothes that they look good / comfortable on for their age .

    1. It's steal their innocent look for me! kids should be dressed as kids!!😃


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