10 tips on how to have a healthy relationship.

Hello folks☺,

We occasionally lose ties in life, whether they involve friends, family, or courtships. And while some losses are painful, some are unavoidable. I've lost both excellent and poor relationships throughout the years, and some of them even temporarily made me sad.

Here are some strategies for maintaining a solid bond with the "ship" so it doesn't fall overboard!

  1. Be truthful. Honesty is a quality that most people lack, and it's been said that lying calls for many additional lies to be said in order to cover it up. Some individuals even use the term "fib" to sound more creative. A lie is a lie, regardless of how well-polished it is, the truth is, Most people find this repulsive, and it destroys trust. Simply state the facts. It is preferable to feel betrayed just once than to feel harmed repeatedly.
  2. Communicate effectively. I frequently advise overcommunicating rather than under communicating. Every relationship has to have good communication. As often as you can, get in touch with each other. Some people may skip weeks or months worth of ordinary conversation, yet when they do, it's as if no time has passed. so to maintain a healthy "ship" keep the communication coming in.
  3. Setting boundaries is another form of maintaining wholesome relationships. This is something I recently learned, in my opinion. I tend to think that since we are all adults, we should know how to act, but I have learned that for a relationship to be excellent, boundaries must be established right away. State what you want and enjoy, and learn also what the other person wants.

  4.  Respect is essential for a strong bonding , therefore treat each other with dignity at all times.
  5. Stay faithful! For any kind of relationship to wax stronger, loyalty is very essential.
  6. Always pay attention. It's crucial to pay attention.
  7. Be considerate. Everyone is hurting from something, therefore show kindness whenever you get the chance to do so. 
  8. Be the person who those who are close to you can depend on and vouch for at any time.
  9. Encouragement is always a good thing. not demoralize
  10. Don't have a judgmental mindset; avoid being that person. Instead, make an effort to comprehend why they behaved as they did.

With decent individuals all around us, the world would always be a better place.

Have a great day and remember to always 😀


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