
 Hey Sugarpies,

They say that life is beautiful, especially when you are surrounded by those who honestly and unfailingly love and support you. After the lockdown, I was busy being a Baby girl, even though it was difficult to return to work after the online learning, and then BAM, a month into real life, we learned that baby number two was on her way.  To be completely honest, I was thrilled because I thought my daughter needed a friend at this particular time.

Some women are incredibly fortunate to experience a stress-free pregnancy. Since I was primarily nauseous in my first trimester, it was a little bit overwhelming for me. Furthermore, I had to get to work really early! It actually was a pretty challenging period for me. Even more,

I had a toddler who needed all the care in the world, and my second trimester was more enjoyable. I can still recall how frequently I wondered, "How did our parents manage to have up to 8 children?" (They remain the true MVPs!) The third trimester of my pregnancy was what I'll call "sweet and sour." Sweet in the sense that I was thrilled about the arrival of my young child (we even knew she was a girl and had chosen a name because that was what her sister desired) and we couldn't wait to hold her in our arms. On the other hand, it was sour because those were the nights that were lengthy, and I still had to arrive early for work. I hardly slept; on some days, I struggle to hear the alarm ring. But in all honesty, I couldn't wait to meet her.

When she finally came in May 2021, I was struck with unending loveπŸ’•. Of course, I was in pain, but the moment I saw her, I forgot about it. She was the most ideal human being I had ever seen; in a few days, she would turn 14 months old! She's growing so fast. I still find myself staring at the lovely girls whom God has given us.

Most times, I smile as I remember the days(before the girls) my house was so neat and well tidied. these days? oh! have a baby they say!! I pray for everyone believing the process for a baby or babies as the case may be. we shall all celebrate and be celebrated.😍


  1. Wow! Congratulations Mami😘 it's nice to have you back😁

  2. This is a beautiful piece. I love it.

  3. πŸ‘❤️❤️

  4. The journey is always sweet with the sour part gone to extinction when one embraces the joy of motherhood. Thank you for sharing, would love to read from you again !!!

  5. This is so lovely to read.

  6. Awwww this is beautiful ❤️

  7. Congratulations on the arrival of the news member of the family

  8. Am really proud of you πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  9. Amen...Congratulations Mama

  10. How life can change so fast, I remember those days sist and now a mother to two beautiful girls so happy and proud of you. Our mothers are truly the MVPs

  11. Beautiful Babies you’ve got Ella


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